baker '...I started prayin to just Lord and my wife could not wait to wail against me when over, like where,s Jehovah? I said he heard it if he is a god....'
" ... thank you, Brother Elders, for meeting with me. I realize that you all want to get home after such a wonderful meeting. I'll just take a few minutes of your time. I am experiencing a serious situation in my family. My wife has started to criticize the wording I use in my home prayers. Particularly she does not like it when I refer to Jehovah as Lord. Imagine how shocked I was when she first complained. Just imagine, complaining about the prayers of the head of the house. Imagine her not wanting me to call Jehovah Lord. I am afraid the Lord, Jehovah, will take his spirit away from my household, if he hasn't done it already. She seems to be getting increasingly critical and being as the Lord has given you the responsibility to protect the congregation from such thinking and to readjust the thinking of those leaving the path, I have to ask that you talk to her to correct her thinking. May the Lord be with you..."